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Our grants programme

We provide cash grants to people who are destitute. We operate through a network of frontline organisations across Greater Manchester. These charities and community groups are well-placed to build trust with people who may be living in the shadows.

There is no limit on how many times people can access the fund, as we recognise that escaping destitution can be a difficult and time-consuming process.

We keep the application process as unobtrusive as possible, in order to respect people’s privacy. However, we do ask enough questions in order to identify if there is any possible pathway out of destitution. Wherever possible, we signpost on to an appropriate organisation for further advice.

For our referral partners, knowing that people’s essential needs are met frees up energy for more holistic wellbeing support.

our process

Macc holds the money as restricted funding, ensures the charitable use of funds and performs due diligence checks on new referral partners.

quick links

3.3 years is the average amount of time those applying to MDF reported being destitute

60% of those accessing MDF in 2021-3 reported mental health problems

56% reported physical health problems

More than a third report both physical and mental health problems

what are the grants used for?

We respect privacy and don’t require people to tell us what they are spending the money on. But we know from feedback that it tends to be spent on:

Transport for key medical or legal appointments

Fresh, culturally appropriate food

Keeping in touch with friends and relatives

Contributing to hosts’ household expenses

This has had far reaching impacts on people’s wellbeing, reducing isolation and promoting independence. For some, it has given them the headspace to engage in the difficult legal process of escaping destitution.

"If you can understand and give us a visa, we can help the community. We want to give something back."