The Migrant Destitution Fund is open to people in Greater Manchester who are destitute because of their immigration status. You can apply for up to £80 per month per adult and £50 for any child in the household.
People with no leave to remain and no right to work or access benefits, including refused asylum seekers or people whose leave to remain has lapsed, are eligible for the fund if:
- They are not receiving Home Office support (section 98/ section 95 / section 4 asylum support)
- They are not receiving financial support of £80 per month or more from any other organisation
People with leave to remain are eligible for the fund if:
- They are unable to work, e.g. for health reasons or because of a caring responsibility
- They are not allowed to access benefits, because they have a “no recourse to public funds” condition attached to their visa or have Pre-Settled Status
- They are not receiving financial support of £80 per month or more from any other organisation
frequently asked questions
quick links
How to apply
You can apply to the fund through one of our referral partners. You cannot apply directly to the fund. If you are already connected with one of those organisations, ask someone there to refer you to the fund.
If you are not already connected with one of these organisations, write to us at info@migrantdestitution.co.uk, telling us where in Greater Manchester you are living, and we will signpost you to the most suitable organisation that can help you apply to the fund.
step one
The organisation will complete the application form with you and send it to Macc, the organisation which hosts the fund.
step two
The application will be anonymised and then reviewed by a worker at Macc and a panel of volunteers. They will check you are eligible for the fund.
step three
Decisions are made twice per week, so you should receive a decision within a week of submitting the application.
step four
If the application is approved, the funds will be paid to you directly by the referring organisation.
As long as you are still eligible, you can continue applying to the fund each month. You will need to go through the application form again each month with the referrer to check if anything has changed in your situation

"The Fund helped me during the worst time, giving me space to submit a new asylum application."